My volunteer year

“Oli otya?” - That was one of the first language phrases I learned when I arrived in Kampala, the capital of Uganda. In the regional language of Luganda, there is no synonym for “hello”. Instead, people usually greet each other with an “Oli otya?” (“How are you?”) and thus quickly get into conversation with people. This habit of outgoingness and kindness fascinated and inspired me much from the very beginning.

From Oktober 2018 until August 2019 I conducted in cooperation with the humanitarian organisation “ADRA” a volunteer year in Uganda. And it was one of the best decision of my life! I was never forced so strongly to overcome the borders of my comfort zone, while also being in daily contact with inspiring, compassionate, and throughout authentic people. With the hope to infect further people with my fascination for foreign cultures I set up an online blog. Thus, don’t hesitate to check it out and discover my many and varied experiences:

Link to my Online-Blog, where I recount some of my experiences:

Oli’s Uganda Blog