
Who am I?

Hi, I’m Oliver (Kalule) Küchler :)

I was originally born in Düren (NRW), Germany. However, for my undergraduate studies I moved to the city Saarbrücken in Saarland, which is at the borders to France and Luxembourg. After my successful graduation with a Bachelor in Bioinformatics I decided to take a break from studies and do instead a voluntary social year with the humanitarian organization ADRA in Uganda. Enriched by countless inspiring encounters and unique experiences which pushed me strongly forward in my personal development, I chose to continue with my Bioinformatics studies in Berlin at Freie Universität Berlin. And here I am today: Closely to the end of my studies of my Master in Bioinformatics. I’ve made it! And even better: I’m now pursuing my PhD. at the Charité Hospital of Berlin! :D

In my freetime you will find me:

  • Diving deep into my current Programming-Projects
  • Playing passionately on my beloved guitar, if possible jamming with friends
  • Dancing some Salsa, Bachata, or even Swing
  • Doing some sports like jogging, tennis and volleyball
  • Practising my french skills

Tell me something about this website!

This website is my first try of setting up my own homepage and putting it online. Do you like it?
I designed this website using Andrew Banchich’s Forty theme as a base. Thus, this webpage is powered by Jekyll and hosted on GitHub Pages!