During my Bachelor-thesis I developed the novel tool MIRTAH (MIrna Target Assay Helper), which is a web-application, that aims to specifically support the set-up process of microRNA-target validation experiments. The application provides binding site matching, restriction site analyses, and supports selection and modification of target sequences. Moreover, MIRTAH automatically generates uniform downloadable summary reports, which contain the selected parameters and modified sequences. Providing these features, the web-application MIRTAH is closely fitted to the requirements of the preparation process of luciferase reporter assays and facilitates its individual arrangement steps. Additionally, the storage of user inputs and generation of summary reports enables users to save and exchange dynamically their sequence selections, while a consistent documentation format is ensured.

In summary: The newly developed application MIRTAH speeds up the target selection process, lessens the bottleneck-effect and increases the reproducibility and reliability of the reporter assay experiments. In December 2020 the supervising academic chair published the tool as part of a target prediction tool in the paper “Validation of human microRNA target pathways enables evaluation of target prediction tools”.

MIRTAH online


Publication: Validation of human microRNA target pathways enables evaluation of target prediction tools
